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Rectory Farm Primary School

About Us

Rectory Farm Primary is a one form entry primary school located in the Eastern district of Northampton. The school has recently undergone significant change in terms of staffing, training, learning opportunities and improvements to the whole school environment. Our school's motto, ‘Growing Minds, Shaping Lives’ perfectly reflects our ethos.

Staff work hard at our school to ensure that children are challenged and supported to achieve highly.  Our children's behaviour is outstanding and they enjoy learning at our school.

Our vision for all members of the school community is to show understanding and empathy towards one another, to collaborate with others, to show tolerance, consideration and kindness. We encourage each other to achieve our goals, to work hard and to try our best at all times; to embrace challenge and to aspire to be the best we can be.

Our curriculum supports this ethos through its creative approach and where the progression of skills is essential in ensuring success. Trips out and visitors into school as well as creation of memorable experiences are an integral part of learning at Rectory Farm.

The involvement of families has been an instrumental factor in improving the school’s ethos and the wellbeing of its children. Children’s welfare needs are addressed through such initiatives as the provision of breakfast club, family engagement activities and addressing poor attendance. Our skilled staff have quickly developed supportive relationships with parents and carers. Safeguarding procedures are thorough and rigorous and monitored regularly to ensure the provision of high quality practice. The number of Early Help cases is continually increasing, in part due to a positive change in parents’ perception of school who now see us as a group of professionals who care and can offer constructive support.

Our vision is for children, staff, governors and parents to show pride in their school and to appreciate the diversity that each individual brings. We all have a key role to play in ensuring the continued success of Rectory Farm Primary School.

Contact Us

Rectory Farm Primary School

Olden Road
Rectory Farm

Tel: 01604 411820

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NPAT is a collaboration of 14 great primary schools, driven by a vision to achieve educational excellence; creating opportunities and enriching lives. 

This approach is encapsulated in our motto: 

‘Achieving Extraordinary Things’