Governance at NPAT

Northampton Primary Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. It was set up by a Memorandum of Association on 8 August 2012. The principal object of the academy trust is to provide educational services.

Northampton Primary Academy Trust has a partnership agreement with Weston Favell CE Primary School, meaning that although the school is a standalone single academy trust, it works in close partnership with NPAT.

Effective governance with robust oversight and assurance provides the foundation for a high performing organisation, ensures the academy trust is well-placed to respond to a changing external environment, and preserves and strengthens stakeholder confidence. Our governance structures bring rigour, challenge and accountability. Those involved in our governance at all levels share a common vision - to achieve educational excellence, create opportunities and enrich lives.

The Trust is led by Members and a Board of Trustees, which has three committees. Schools within the Trust have boards that the Trustees delegate some of their functions to. These are called local governing bodies (LGBs) or, for a limited time period in which they require more intensive support, academy improvement boards (AIBs). The Governors on these boards work with the senior leaders of the schools for the good of the pupils whilst also ensuring everything is underpinned by sound financial acumen.

Governance Structure

The Memorandum of Association (1) relates to the establishment of the Trust under Company Law and the Articles of Association (2) set out how it is operated and governed. The Master Funding Agreement (3) is effectively the contract between the Department for Education and the Trust. The Scheme of Delegation (4) outlines the operational authority delegated by the Trust’s Board of Directors (its Trustees) to the Chief Executive Officer and to Committees of the Board. The Terms of Reference (5-9) detail how the committees operate. The Governance Code of Conduct (10) is the code that all those in a governance role sign up to.

Trustee and Committee Information (11) show the appointment dates of current and recent members and trustees as well as the membership of committees.

Click here to find out more about our Members. Click here to find out more about our Trustees.

The Trust’s Register of Interests (12) contains information provided by Trustees, Members and senior leaders regarding any business and pecuniary interests they have outside of the Trust, in the interests of transparency. The Attendance Record (13) shows Trustees’ attendance at meetings of the Board of Trustees and Committee meetings. Information about the governors, including attendance and declarations of interests, for each Local Governing Body and Academy Improvement Board are available on each school’s website.

The NPAT and Weston Favell CE Primary School Partnership Agreement (14) sets out our agreement between the two parties.

Below are our Governance Documents. Click on the banner heading to expand. the view ot show the documents.

Useful Links


NPAT is a collaboration of 14 great primary schools, driven by a vision to achieve educational excellence; creating opportunities and enriching lives. 

This approach is encapsulated in our motto: 

‘Achieving Extraordinary Things’